Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No expectations

Mornings suck. I mean seriously suck. Until that first cup of coffee. So this morning, I am getting up and start the process of getting the little people ready for school...that place that takes little people all day so mom can actually accomplish something.

Start off the morning by stepping on a plastic Easter egg, and people wonder why I don't mind throwing them out and rebuying them every year. Easter was over months ago and I am still finding these eggs, could be the bag filled with them next to my bed.

Go to wake up A and S, but M beats me to it and let the yelling commence. I walk out 10 minutes later and A is still in bed. What?! Bed?! No way buddy. S comes out wearing some freaky concoction of an outfit, I so want to scream what are you thinking, but no let her go to school how she feels comfortable...I won't have to worry about boyfriends. HA!

Forgot to put the coffee on automatic timer last night...grrr... Until that first sip nothing is right in the world, I am sure this is what crack addicts feel like before they shove stuff up their nose or inject crap into their needles, no sniffing I just want to drink my coffee thank you!

Coffee is poured, but still no sip, no one can find their socks and  they want to try to sneak out without brushing their I reach for my cup only to find that M has his clothes on backwards, yet I put them on the right way. I'm pretty sure. Yes, I definitely put them on the right way...unless his back was to me and not his front..hmm

Walk back towards my cup and S tries to miss the busy by fighting the knot war on her show (that clearly does not match the crazy outfit), and now mom has to fight the battle for her just to push her out the door. Turtle power is not my favorite mode, but one S constantly operates at. Maybe I should give her some coffee?! Hmm maybe.

Door shut, kids gone....go to get coffee and knocked it over. GRRRR. Nothing more aggravating than watching those delicious drops of energy going down the drain with all your hopes, dreams and expectations. OK so maybe that was a bit dramatic, back to the pot, pour some more and away you go. Awesome.

Now to sit down and drink...ahhh.

Daughters Let's Talk...Miley Cyrus

Dear K & S,

As your mother I am inclined to warn you, if I ever see you doing anything that comes close to what the world saw Miley Cyrus do on stage at the VMA's, I will personally drag your booty off whatever stage, platform, table, pole, chair, or anywhere else, and happily beat your butt right there in front of everyone. I will NOT be clapping and cheering you on as Miley's mother did.

You are ladies, and you will act like ladies at all times. A lady does not flaunt all that God gave her, make disgusting provocative gestures with foam fingers claiming to be sexy, she does not defile teddy bears nor does she stick her face in anyone's behind and call that sexy. What Miley Cyrus did was humiliating to woman everywhere. I am raising you to have more respect for yourself that this.

Lastly, real men do not find this sexy at all. Sexy is about class, being a lady and keeping your legs closed, tongue in your mouth and clothes on your body. Sexy is more about how you portray yourself with dignity. Real men want to know that you are not going to be showing off yourself to every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes your way, they want to know that you are honest, respectful and above all else, faithful.

Again I warn you, I do not ever want to see, read about or hear about either one of you disrespecting yourself or your parents in anyway that comes close to what Miley Cyrus did on that stage. Not only will I embarrassingly drag you away, I WILL show you just how horrifying you look, by doing exactly what you did in front of all those people..(I am sure just the thought keeps you from ever wanting to try this). Also you will be scrubbing the toilets with your toothbrush, scrubbing walls and any other disgusting chore I can find....and no I do not care how old you are!

All my Love,

Dear Miley,

Hannah Montanna may be just a character you played and a wholesome image you are trying to get away from and I can understand you want your own identity separate from a childhood character. What I can't understand and what has now gotten you banned from my home (even as Hannah Montanna), is how you can hold your head up and call yourself a woman when clearly you have not grown up and you have no dignity or respect for yourself or your parents. I truly feel sorry (not pity) for you. You had so much potential and you turned into what is nothing short of being a porn show. Clearly you are crying out for help and I hope that your family sees to it that you get it. Your poor dad must be trying hard not to shoot himself in the head just to get that image of your gyrating your hips and flaunting yourself off as a prostitute (and yes it fits as you get paid for these shows) in front of millions of people. Moms everywhere (except obviously yours) are horrified at the show you have put on for your fans, (a number which I am sure has decreased thanks to your disgraceful performance).
Your mother, instead of clapping and cheering, should have grabbed you by what little clothing you had on (or your bun) and dragged your butt off that stage and beaten your butt. All that show was, was a desperate cry for help. Cheapening yourself will not help you find yourself. Parading around like you did, will not help you find yourself. Want to get on your knees? Pray. You will find more answers there than you will half naked in front of millions of people, most of who were looking down, not up at you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Negative thoughts...Negative comments...

You can't do it. You not good enough. Why are you participating in your children's lives? You can't. You won't.

Ever heard these before? From family members or from yourself perhaps. I am here to tell you not to listen to these. Whether they are from your family or they are from yourself, all of these come from one source...the devil. I mean would you really tell yourself any of these?

There are days that I hear these and I think, I really can't. I can see no possible way for any of this to happen, and then I remember, "I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who gives me STRENGTH! I can, you can we all can!

I heard it when I got divorced. "Are you crazy?" "You can't raise four children on your own!" "You won't make it."

I heard it when I wanted to stay in Canada. "There is nothing for you there anymore." "You need to come home."

I hear it now when I want to do something that no one thinks I should do.

Guess what...I can do it. I will do it. The only one I need to accomplish it is God. God will show all of us the way, after all He is "the way, the truth and the life. Who is? God is. SO even if the task I am taking on seems overwhelming, I know that with God by my side I can do it and I can persevere.

Here is another truth, I am not a perfect mom, but I am a mom who loves her children and one whose idea of being a mom is to be there. Participating. Involved. I don't want to watch their lives from the sidelines, I want to be in the middle of it. I want to experience it, and I want them to know when they grow up, that they were wanted, they were loved and their mother was there for them no matter what.

I am not a perfect person, I make mistakes and I get grumpy...Lord knows I get grumpy. I don't always want to do the things I have chosen to do in my life. I don't always want to get up and start my day, but I always do. There are days I want to scream and pull all my hair out of my head.

I am not a perfect Christian. I have days when my faith falters. I have days I want to give up and go my own way. I don't always want to get up on Sunday morning and go to church. 9 am? Who wants to walk out the door at 9 am to go to church after a long week of parenting and living life? I do, because that is the service my children want to go to.

Listening to those voices, whether in your head or from others around you, will only cause you to stay where they want you...down and out. Depressed. Feeling useless. SO the next time someone tells you can't, tell them you can! YOU CAN!

I don't know about you, but I am living my life for God not for anyone else. I love aspects of my life and I am thankful for the things I am able to do. I am done listening to the negatives.

2 Corinthians 10:5 "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Remember that verse! I wrote it on an index card to tape it to my mirror. It is important to know, read and understand that if our thoughts are turned toward God, anything is possible.

Until the next Scribble....

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Living in the Past...Turn your back on it...

The past is the past. We all have a past, even if you were born yesterday you have a past; yesterday was the first day of your past history (unless we count the last 9 months). I tell my children all the time, yesterday is gone, today is your chance to do better and tomorrow is unwritten.

While I was drinking my coffee yesterday I was thinking about the past. It was also the topic of Sundays sermon. I always say the past is who I am, but yesterday it dawned on me, the past is not who I am, it is who I was. The experiences I have had, the choices I have made, and the lessons that I have learned all made me the person I am today. The past is my yesterday, gone but perhaps never forgotten.

In church currently we are studying in Joshua. The series is titled: with your back to the past... One of the things that we single mom's struggle with is our past. We failed at something...marriage. The home our children knew is no longer. The question we need to ask ourselves is this: Do you want failure to keep you from moving on? Past failures can prevent us from moving on, from being the person we want to be now.

The one thing from the sermon that hit home with me (mostly because the pastor kept hitting it home in his sermon came from reading Joshua 3: 6-17. to sum up the passage, God has gone before us, he is in the midst of it with us, and he is behind us. That, to me, is a comforting feeling. He was there in my past, he is here with me today and he has gone ahead and knows what my future holds.

Today is not ideal, it is tough, yesterday was even harder and the future will most likely have its shares of up and downs. I made a decision for my family, and no I did not come by it lightly, and there seems to be no possible way for it to happen, but IF it is meant to happen, it will happen because God has made the way for it to happen, even if I can't see it. If it is not the right decision He will make that known to me.

So let's not live or dwell on the past or what could have been, lets look forward to what the future has in store. Good or bad, God is there in the midst of it with you. Our strength comes from Him. Acknowledge the little blessings in your life and look forward to the bigger ones that may come your way. Trust (not always easy for me), in God and He will provide.

Until the next Scribble....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Single moms and Church

We have all felt it, an awkward feeling, when you enter a church with your children...alone. You feel like all eyes are on you, watching you, judging you for being a single mom. Moms are certainly not suppose to be single. The stereotype image of a mom is immediately brought to the front of your mind at that moment. You know what I am talking about, that perfectly dressed, every hair in place, mom with the well behaved kids walking into church on the arm of her husband. That image is suddenly making you feel self conscious as you take your children to Sunday school, and go on to find a seat in church.
Then you look around and see all the couples, the ones with the newborn babies, the newlyweds starting life together, the parents of the children that are happily in Sunday school and the elderly couples who have survived all the ups and downs married life can know those trials your marriage failed to survive.
Or, you are that mom who was never married, and whose relationship didn't survive pregnancy and have been raising your child on your own since birth. You've never had a marriage, but you still have that feeling, that awkward horrible feeling that you don't belong here  because you don't and never had, had a husband. Your child never his/her father and most likely never will.
There are so many reasons that we end up in life as single moms (or parents), and reality is, we don't always have control over it. Divorce, one-night stands that resulted in a child, death (we truly feel this is the only legitimate reason to be a single parent) or whatever the reason is that you find yourself in the Single Mom role.
Here is the thing, no one really cares. They are not looking at you as someone who doesn't belong there. They are not judging you, (ok and even if they are who cares). We are not perfect and guess what, married or not, neither are they. If anything most are certain that whatever your circumstance, you belong there. It is the one place we can all belong. God wants us all there and every single person occupying a chair in that church is....are you are you ready for it....they are all....believe it or not...sinners! That's right, they have all sinned and will sin again in the future. I'm serious! Truly I am not kidding.
As a mom, I want my children to always feel like they belong in church, and it starts with me. DO I feel weird sitting alone? Sure. Do I feel like others are staring? Sure. Who doesn't? We are all there for the same reason, to worship God and listen to His word. So who cares what everyone else thinks, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you are OK with who you are and where you are in life.
SO on Sunday when you walk into church, hold your head up high and find a seat and enjoy sermon.

Until the next Scribble....

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I am doing something that does not come easily for me. Trusting. I am trusting God that the decision I am making for my family is the decision that is the right one for us.

Trusting anyone, especially God is difficult for me. It certainly does not come easily for me, as I am sure it doesn't come easily for a lot of people. It is hard for me to my faith in something I have never truly seen and I am not sure that I ever completely had faith He existed. I go to church and I sit there Sunday after Sunday and I pray, I worship and that is as far as its gone.

The thing is I recently had a conversation with someone. A comment this person made, made me stop to think, "How can I pray for myself when there is a parent out there who has lost a child and needs prayer more than I do. What kind of God lets bad things happen to people?" I can't say that I haven't wondered that myself. Like a lot of people in December, as I sat there watching the news about the shooting in Connecticut I asked that very question. Not just that question but, "How can I believe in a God that allows bad and terrible things to happen,"

I'd like to say I have all the answers and the truth is I don't. What I have come to the conclusion for myself is this, prayer is not just for the people who have suffered some tragic horrific loss. It is for those who are hurting, who are suffering  certainly, but it is also for those who are trying to make the right decision. Who need guidance and reassurance. I am not saying ask God if you should by the red lamp or the blue one, but life decisions are big decisions.

If God is involved with this decision, it will work out. The things that right now seem impossible will be made possible, because:

Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Mark 10:27 - And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men [it is] impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

Mark 11:24 - Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them].

Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.

And if these verses were not enough of a sign that God wants us to believe...wants me to believe, the last couple of times I was in the car.....question God (did I mention I am good at that too) I get hit with these two songs:

Overcomer by Mandisa, which is a new song and has yet to hit YouTube but one we should all listen to

and Promises by Sanctus Real

and  another song that makes me listen is Kari Jobe's, I Find You on My Knees.

So I will pray about my decision, and if it is meant to be then it will happen. If it is not, then I will know that too. I just know that this has been on my mind for awhile and I kept ignoring it....which could be why nothing changes here. All any of us can do, is trust God...and yet this is the hardest thing to do. Especially if what we want is not in His plan.

I know the where, I know my reason why, I just don't have the how as of yet. So if you have a choice, remember, you can pray about it. God wants us to pray about it. God listens to all prayers, just because he doesn't answer them, doesn't mean he didn't hear them.

Until the next Scribble....

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Who are we to judge?

I posted something similar on my Facebook page last night, but thought that it would make a good blog post as well. Plus I had some things that I wanted to add to it.

Life whether you believe in God and His promises or not, is full of choices we have to make. I choose to follow God and believe that He does exist and that He does love everyone regardless of the choices they decide to make for their life. He loves the murderer, the rapist, the pedophile and every sinner on this earth, including you and I. Yes, Christians are sinners too.

As a mother it is my job to teach my children right from wrong. To make good choices over bad ones and better choices over just the good ones. It is my job to teach them to love God and follow His word and His plan for their lives. It is my job to teach them moral values and how to resist temptation from peers and spiritually. It does take a village to raise children, but I don't want society raising my kids. I choose the village and the villagers I want surrounding my children.

Am I the only one tired of all the discussions surround the court ruling on gay marriage? We all have our beliefs, we all have our opinions. One side saying Christians are hypocrites and judgmental and the Christians proving them right. God has been and always will be against Same sex marriage.
Here is the thing, Christians are sinners just like everyone else. Sin is sin to God, whether it be murder, stealing or rape, premarital sex or same sex marriage, none is worse to him than the other; except that he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this very reason. This is used a lot to prove that God dislikes Same sex marriage/sex, but does anyone remember that he too flooded the earth on the basis that the world he created was overrun with sin?
 As Christians it is not our place nor our right to judge, humiliate, condemn or ridicule the actions of others, even if according to our beliefs and God it is wrong. I am tired of hearing that Christians have it in for the Gay community. I am also tired of people using God's name to condemn others and their choices. These people are humans with feelings the same as you and me. They are entitled to live their lives the way they choose, the same as we are. Their choices are between them and God, not them and everyone else. Like us they will have to answer to God for their choices, just as we will for ours. Like the bible says in Matthew 7:1-5 "“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" 
God loves everyone. He loves the sinners alike. He loves us as people, he hates the sins we commit. Love the sinner, hate the sin, we have all heard this line and I am sure a lot of us have used it. You don't hate your child because the misbehaved (sinned), so why on God's green earth would you hate someone because they live a life of sin....just like you and I do?
Let's stop judging people, ridiculing people, condemning people, and let's start praying for people. Yes, the Same-Sex community loves to put down our Christian values and our beliefs, however, how many Christian people just treat them like people? How many Christians have shown them that are not judgmental and condemning? Probably not many. Instead of fighting back with words and spewing hatred lets fight back by praying. We know where we are going as Christians, they have no clue, or they do and they are just ignoring it.
Society today is all about self-love and doing whatever pleases you to do. The problem with that is evident all over. Children are going to school and shooting their classmates. Drug addicts are beating their pregnant girlfriends to death. Couples are divorcing because it is the easy out, instead of doing everything they can to keep their marriage and their families together. Husbands are cheating on their wives and vice versa. There are consequences to a society that does whatever it wants, whenever it wants, just because it feels good. Doesn't mean it is right.
We need to worry about our own lives and our own choices. Does this mean that we shouldn't spread God's word? No, it means that we need to stop judging, stop condemning and start letting our actions show who we truly are, what being a Christian truly looks like (or should look like).

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Domestic Violence & Bullying (Kind of long)

There are two things that irritate and anger me more than anything. Domestic Violence and Bullying. Both are senseless and cause more harm than anything else.

Domestic Violence:

Yesterday a very sweet woman died due to domestic violence. She was one of the nicest people in school and of the brief conversations I have had with her over the years, she had not changed much. We have all heard that sayings, "Love Hurts" "Love is Blind" but the truth is that love should never hurt, certainly not physically. Blindness comes when we refuse to see that the other person is no good for us. It comes when we know that he needs help, and that we should leave him, but feel that we can change him.

You can't.

The only one that can change him is him. He has to want to change and he has to want to get help. Sometimes I feel that for a lot of women the line in marriage vows, "For better or worse" should be removed. This line is meant for hard times in a marriage (or relationship), certainly, financial issues, loss of a job, loss of a child, possibly an affair, but it absolutely does not include violence. Violence is the exception. The first time your partner hurts you physically, is the time to leave. Not the time to rationalize it, not the time to say, he didn't mean it, time to LEAVE.

He may not have meant it, but he did it and he will do it again, especially when drugs are involved. He needs help, but you need to get out. Love is not painful, burning dinner is not a crime, arguing with someone should not land you in the hospital. Whatever the reason, it will happen again. Domestic Violence ends when women (and men) refuse to be abused. When you stand up for yourself and say, I refuse to let you  hurt me. Love certainly can be blind.


This needs to end to. Columbine should set the example of what happens when children are bullied, left out or the target of bullying. Not only is it bad enough that children can be bullied at school, where they should feel safe, now there is cyber bullying. Parents need to take action. YOUR children are the ones causing other people's children to go into a school with a gun and kill people. Innocent people. It is not innocent fun when someone's child is lying on the ground of their school, dead.

We all sympathize with the dead. The children who were gunned down, but what about the shooter? Does anyone stop to think about them and what caused them to do something this heinous? No. People just want justice (and rightly so) but where was the justice when your child was bullying the one who decided to kill everyone?

The shooter didn't wake up one day and decide to kill classmates. We all sympathize with the women who is beaten day after day who finally kills her tormentor, but no one sympathizes with bullied child who goes to school to end his/her torment. No one should die because of bullying or domestic violence, but the truth is prolonged harassment or violence changes a person. It changes them inside and creates something else entirely. Something broken that leads them to kill their tormenters. It doesn't happen over night. It doesn't even happen over a few incidents. It happens over years of daily psychological torment. A battered women who kills her spouse is not different than the bullied student who kills his classmates.

It is worse when it is children that are killed for sure. When it is your child lying dead on the ground because one child was bullied. It is worse because school is where children should feel safe not fear for their lives. Home s where we should feel safe as well. Yet these are the two places where the most hurt and damage is down. A bullied child could once go home and escape their bullies, a domestic violence woman lives with it in her home and can't escape, unless she chooses to. Now, thanks to technology, the bullied student can't escape from it at home. Cyber-bullying is all to real and now the whole world can witness and apart of it. There is no escape.

We need to teach our children the dangers bullying can have on someone. We need to ensure that when they leave our care, they know that bullying another child can have deadly consequences. It can have repercussion no one parent, teacher or child, should ever have to face. I realize that when our children leave our home, we can't control their actions or their behavior, but we can makes sure that they know the difference between right and wrong.

The parents. Ever noticed that the parents of these children are attacked once their child kills other people? Human nature of course. Yet no one attacked the parents of the bullies while they were tormenting another child. Mostly cause the bullied child doesn't share his pain, until it becomes tragic. I sympathize with these parents because in today's society both parents work in order to survive ad the children go around unnoticed. Mom's are out working and too tired to at night to send much time with their children. Dads too. Children are left alone more often than now while their parents are out trying to support the family. You blame the parents, but in reality you should blame society as a whole. Parents who don't care that their child is bulling someone (and yes there are parents who don't care, in fact some cheer it on), but when their child dies at the hand of the classmate they bullied...all the sudden they care.

The girl I went to school with, that many of us went to school with, should not be dead this morning, making her families and those who knew her, world a darker place today. The parents of columbine should today be walking their children down the aisle, watching them go off to college and beginning a whole new chapter, yet, they are mourning their children instead.

Domestic Violence and Bullying need to stop.

Until the next Scribble......

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Persoanlity test results.....

For class I had to take a personality test and this is what I got.....
ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.
Introverted (I) 54.84% Extroverted (E) 45.16%
Sensing (S) 73.33% Intuitive (N) 26.67%
Thinking (T) 68.75% Feeling (F) 31.25%
Judging (J) 83.87% Perceiving (P) 16.13%
Have you ever taken a personality test? I would love to read your comments on the results and what your opinion is of test of this nature.....Leave comments (you may have to join and follow...)


the coffee pages tab...enjoy

Messy house....A Blessing?!

Motherhood the land of a messy house, kid wars, food wars, the occasional embarrassing scene at the grocery store where your toddler throws a fit because you wont buy her (or him) the cookies she wants. That place where you look at the little angels who came from your body and see monsters who have invaded your home. Motherhood. That title you wished for and planned for since childhood when you played with your dolls and pretended your bedroom was your house and the neighborhood boy down the street was your husband ( because you were not going to be a single mother, no little girl plays single Mom house).

There are numerous times when I have walked into my house and the only thing I can see is the mess. The toys on the floor, or the odd scraps of little papers and things that seem to make their way onto the floor. The hair ties, shoes not put where they belong and backpacks thrown about wherever they land. The mess. How many of you can relate? I mean really, what if the neighbor down the street comes by to say hello? It never happens, but because your house is a mess you know they will.

As I walk through the door I close my eyes and pray silently that when I open them it will all miraculously be clean. Of course its not. So the other day I was struck by a thought. A simple thought that made me stop and relook at the house as I walked in.

What did I see? Still a mess, but it wasn't that I saw a mess it was what the mess reminded me of that day. (Funny isn't it, God gives us these little messages and unless we in the mood to hear it, we may miss them). This mess, that can so easily aggravate me, became something totally new. There are little people living in my house. These people that God gave me and that I am blessed to come home to. I am lucky to be their mother. I have little ones (and not so little ones) to come home to, where some mothers only have memories. This mess signifies that I am blessed to have my children at home, able to make these messes and aggravate me. While I would still love to come home to a clean house (and occasionally, like yesterday) I do, the mess is now a welcomed site and a reminder that regardless of what we need or don't have, I am blessed, because I am a mom to 4 amazing children.

I'm not perfect, so I will forget and I will get aggravated because I am not perfect and occasionally, like all human mothers do, will yell and pull my hair out, and later that night I will ask for forgiveness for my yelling and aggravation. I will every night thank God for them, pray over them and pray over myself that I will remember that mess can be a positive thing, even if my personality doesn't agree.

So the next time you walk into your messy house....(and for a brief God-less moment wish for vodka or perhaps a spotless home) remember there is a mother (and father) out there who now wishes that they could open their door to a mess, to fighting siblings or loud music playing and be thankful that you still have that. I know I am.

Until the next scribble.....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

To My Future Significant Other....

Wouldn't it be great if we could email or actually write a letter (gasp, yes I said write not type), to our future spouses or significant others? Well here is my letter. Enjoy.

Dear Future Significant Other,

     I sometimes wonder who you will be. What your favorite music is, your favorite book (do you read?), I also wonder if you can put up with me as a person. Its kind of hard I am told. So here is what you must be able to put up with.

     Here is what I do know about you. You don't drink excessively, you don't do drugs and never have. You don't smoke (anything). You have not been to prison. You don't feel the need to go around beating people up, but have the ability to do so if the situation arises (who wants a wimp after all). Family is very important to you.

     You must be able to put up with kids. We are, I am afraid, a package deal. You must have patience, (difficult I know), you must be able to see them as part of me, but as individuals. 4 children is a lot to take on, (alcohol is tempting at times) so you must be strong patient and hopefully better at discipline than I am. Mess

     I wonder occasionally if we have met before, but probably not.

     Shoes. I have this obsession with shoes. Heels, flats, boots, you name it, I probably own a pair of it is a must that you put up with my shoe fetish. O and you may also have to sacrifice closet space to hold my shoe collection (we may need to have a walk in closet or multiple?). Its a girl thing...I refuse to apologize for. I'm sure you have a fetish of some kind that I will have to tolerate!? Guns perhaps? Tools? Cars?

    I love to cook, and I am sure you love to eat. Rolling pins were invented strictly to keep men out of the kitchen. Although if you want to cook with me, I may be open to that. I just ask that you put things were they belong and not wherever you feel like it. I mean would you want me going through your tools and messing them up? I think not....:)

    Do you read? If you do, we will not get along if you read romance novels....been there done that bought the tee-shirt. It doesn't work for the guy to be more emotional or sensitive than I am. You can love your Mama, I expect it, but you can not be a Mama's boy....please.

     God. Is He important to you? Do you have faith? I do, if this bothers you, keep walking. Your lack of faith doesn't bother me, but your soul going to hell might bother you when it happens. Chances are, you do believe in God and I feel that family should go to church together whenever possible.

     Camping... hate t. I will do it, occasionally but it is not my favorite. I am a firm believer that couples can have separate vacations. Feel free to take the boys while the girls and I go to a hotel, order room service and shop. :)

     I lose my keys all the time. Never fails. At least 5 or 6 times  week. Sometimes in the same day. I don't know how it happens but it does. Seriously they need a beeper on them or something  that will enable me to find them when they are lost. They like to hide from me. Truly it is the keys wandering off and not my fault in any way. Oh...GPS is my best friend. Without it (even n O-town) I can get lost. Seriously. It is a knack. I come by it genetically, my grandmother could too. So if we go somewhere, you are better off driving than I am. I will, without a doubt, get lost. Even with GPS I can end up taking the wrong turn....Needless to say, I have gotten lost in places.

Enough said....


Your future Significant Other...

That would be my letter. No vodka or alcohol was involved in the composition of this letter. Promise.

 Until the next Scribble....

Thursday, June 13, 2013

And The Countdown Begins.....

     Summer is here and the kids are already bored to death...It has not even been a full week. School may be out for them, but it is not out for mom. So finding a working balance will be the goal of the summer...I will probably get it figured out in time for them to go back to school and need to come up with a new plan.
     60 more days until are all back in school. K starts school 2 days before the other three do. A wants to move to his dad's house all the way in Maine. The only way he could get any further is if I were to move to Alaska (and still be in the US). Well on second thought Hawaii might be a bit farther.

    60 more days of, "I'm bored", "There is nothing to do", "Let's go somewhere", "I didn't write on the furniture", "He hit me", "She kicked me", and so on and so forth.

    Of course they don't want to do things like, go outside and play (unless its a theme park of some sort), read a book, (video games are the new sit down activity), or play with each other, (a total abomination). They want mom to entertain them and if it is free...nope, not happening. Gone are the days I could put them in the kiddie pool in the front yard and have them be content. Finger painting no longer appeases them.

     Mom of course is lame and boring because she still has to clean and do school work. Time to start planning activities for these little/not-so-little people to do.....otherwise this mommy will go insane before the 60 days are over....o and no camping, unless there is a cabin involved.

    This mommy would love nothing more than to rent a house on the beach for a week....hmmm

Until the next scribble.....

Sunday, May 26, 2013

WTH Moment...

Every parent has those moments when they wonder what possess their children do the things they do. Mine came yesterday when I was doing laundry. I opened up M's drawer to put his pajamas away and what do I find? This:

A cup and some Beyblades. Not just any cup though, a Starbucks cup...a Starbucks drinker in the making?
What are your "WTH" moments with your children? There truly never is a dull moment when you have children. You just have to look for those moments in the midst of hectic, trying and tiring moments. They are there, just like this one was for me.   

Until the Next Scribble....

Friday, January 25, 2013

Family Time....Photographs...

Have you ever looked at your children (and I know you all have) and wondered how they grew up so fast? K is going to be 15 in March and my baby is going to be 6. It is amazing how much can change in just 15 short years. So my new years resolution is not to lose weight (though God knows that would be great), not to eat healthier (pizza and hamburgers are my weakness), and since I don't smoke, drink or do drugs I don't need to quit those. My new years resolution is to spend more time (quality time) with my children.

This past weekend we went to Sn Francisco for the day and then Napa. Most people you know go to Napa for the wine (well the adults do) but we go to Napa to play at the park....Seriously. We found a park, the kids got out and we spent pretty much all our time there. O and I did find my dream's only 795,000...I am thinking my new career path might have to be lawyer for the mob...HAHA.

Here are photos from our trip to Napa.....They all want to go back...for the park....Seriously!

 My dream house, trust me it looks better in person and in the pictures from the brochure. I took it fast, was getting funny looks by is empty...:)

The Pictures below are taken from the park we visited. The kids fell in love with Napa and so did I...we all want to move there...

Had to go to Ihop for Pancakes!! Nothing like pancakes to end the day...Although we had to get new shirts (see pics above where they are wearing new clothes...and we went back to the park.

He thinks that he is the king of the playground...
 A with his goofy grin...

My Princess S...

                       Swing time...S loves the swing...had to buy her some pants...

I am also making it a challenge to take more pictures and to take better pictures. I am still learning my phone. Perhaps a new camera is in order......
In today's society it seems like family has taken a backseat to other stuff. Family time is no longer a priority and it is easy to let it slip to the wayside with work, school, bills, activities and what not. I think that we all need to make it a priority to spend time and photograph our family outings while our children are younger and while they will still go hang out with us...
I thought about posting a new photo every day....although not sure how well that will work out. So my challenge is for you...find new ways to spend time with your family. Document it. Photograph it. Enjoy it.
Until the next Scribble....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Strong Enough

Algebra. Two kids home sick. 1 kid calling home to say he is sick. Laundry piling up. All of that and it is that time of the month...this is what we call a recipe for disaster.

M is bothering his sister, cause while he is sick (runny nose and cough) he wants to be at school, not at home. S is getting annoyed (because that is what she does) and I am trying to solve linear equations. Did I mention I have two terms of Algebra? Laundry gets halted. Bugging, laundry, x=y+3(4z-6) and now I have to stop what I am doing and go pick up A from school (did I mention he told me this morning he was going to call home sick?)

Can you feel the anger and frustration boiling? (intensify it by 100 because it is that time of the month).

That's it. I missed two questions on a 4 question quiz....for stupid things like not putting the negative sign on my answer and forgetting to simplify.
My future rolled out in front of me and I was done. There is not point to me going to school. Why? Well let me tell you, I am going to fail the next two terms (my conscience won't let me have some one do the work and the tests for me), therefore my current A GPA is going to go down to at least a C-, and I need at least a B GPA to get into some law schools and an A GPA to get into the law schools I want. So, no law school, no point continuing my education and I should just get my job back at the local convenience store as that is what my future holds.


Well into the car I go with these dark thoughts in my head. Ticked off and ready to explode. The non-christian radio station is on....I am suppose to be taking the 30 day challenge through K-love. (in case you want to take the 30 day challenge) (remind me to go sign up like I keep meaning to do, just never get to it) I think who cares. No one is going to know that I didn't listen to it while I was in the car. I am the only one in the car. Heck, I will know. God will know and on to K-love the radio goes. Be right back...before I forget again to sign up.


As I turn the channel onto K-love, Matthew West's song Strong Enough is on.
                                                                 "Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own"
Amen I thought. This is more than I can do, more than I signed up for. More, more, more and every day it seems like there is more, more and even more. I am done. I am ready to give up. Move on. Move on from what I hear myself asking. Move on from your kids? Your reason for not giving up?
The song continues and I can feel myself calming done. It's just numbers and some letters. Its just kids being kids. Everyone is sick right now.
"Well, maybe
Maybe that's the point
To reach the point of giving up"
Maybe that is the point. I am not strong enough to be everything to everyone, and yet I am doing it. I want more for myself and for my children and Algebra is the way to that. The current situation is not good for us, we need our own space. What I am saying is that we need more than this and Algebra is the way to that. (Feel free to insert whats you need for Algebra). God doesn't give us more than we can handle.
Psalms 18:32
"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze."
I am not strong enough...on my own. I need God to give me the strength I need. Like it says in Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength" Notice that I highlighted and made bold the word Him. Because God (aka him) is the reason and the source of my strength. By the end of the song, I am good. I may not be completely at peace, I still want to cry for the frustrating day I have been having and the last 6 years that on the outside appear to be hell.
The thing is, all this frustration, anger, bitterness and self-doubt does not come from God. It comes from the devil. Whether we want to see it or admit it or not, this is the truth. God does not give self-doubt or feelings of worthlessness. He gives encouragement and strength. He gives love and support. Yes, he challenges us....I have been highly challenged for 6 six years...but he doesn't give us more than we can handle.  I am also saying...that this 30 day challenge is working. It is positive.

So the conclusion: God is strong enough for anything we feel we can not handle. We are not alone and he will carry us.