Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This is Who I am....

I am not perfect, nor will I ever pretend to be...not even with my children. I am human and I make mistakes. We all do. Lately, God has been asking me if I know who I am. My response is usually what we would all probably say. "Duh! I am a mom to my children, I am a daughter to my parents, a sister to my siblings, and a friend to those I call friend, and I am me.

Guess what, that is not what He was asking. He was asking if I knew, who I am...not if I knew what my titles are...

This is a tough question to answer. It requires that you dig really deep and look at all the aspects of who you are. Yes, I am the mother of 4 amazing and wonderful children, and that does make up a big part of my character believe it or not. I, am not perfect, but I portray myself in away that reflects how I want my children to behave. I am polite, I stand up for my kids when the situation calls for it, I am sweet, I am conservative and I dress in a manner that reflects that. I don't want my daughters to dress in a way that shows of more than they need to...I certainly don't want their bums to hang out of the bottom of their shorts. No way. I put their needs first. I put them first. I try to be the best mom I can for them. Strong, independent, conservative, careful in what I say, how I act and with my behavior. Just as I want their behavior to reflect well on myself as their mother, I want myself to reflect positively on them as well. Did I mention I am not perfect? No parent is and we loose it sometimes, but this is certainly not how I want them to remember their childhood or how their mother was.

Then God asked..."who are you? Does your image reflect Me?" Oh boy?! Does it? I have made so many mistakes in the past, present and will in the future. Does that mean I don't reflect the presence of God in my life? God knows we are not perfect, but He also requires that as Christians we reflect His presence upon our life. Let Him be the one to determine who we and what our story says.

Psalms 107:2 - Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies. 

Right there in black and white...speak out! Don't keep God's presence in your life a secret.

2 Corinthians 3:18 - So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord - who is the Spirit  makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. 

Oh..there it is again. Reflect the glory of the Lord.

I am not perfect, ( I may have mentioned this). I get annoyed, oh how I get annoyed. I yell at my kids when my frustration with what appears to be their lack of listening and knowing how to pick up after themselves. I make mistakes (more than I would seriously like to admit to). I am human. I am strong and occasionally I am weak. I am as nice as I can be mean. I try wholeheartedly to be nice to those who have wronged me. I am way more sensitive than I let on. I am picky. I am humbled by how much God loves me, regardless of all of my flaws, failures, mistakes and imperfections.

So who am I, other than a mom, a daughter, sister, friend, and overall imperfect human being? More than my likes and dislikes, more than my hobbies and titles. Who am I?

I am a child of God, of course. So simple, yet so hard to grasp. I am saved, I am forgiven, I am loved...by God.

Who are you?

Until the next Scribble............. <3