Thursday, March 6, 2014

Another morning...more lost socks

To start off my morning I went on the hunt for matching pairs of socks and then shoes (we don't need a repeat of yesterday where M went to school with one of his shoes on and one of his 14 year old brother's shoe on). Don't ask me how i missed that one...I still have no clue. 
Then I figured that once they left for school I would get an early start on the laundry...time for another hunt around the house for lost laundry.  

After being a parent for almost 16 years you would think that the kids would know to put their shoes away when they take them off, backpacks get hung up on the rack for backpacks, coats on the coat rack and dirty laundry in the laundry hamper. Throw your garbage away, rinse off your plates or better yet wash the plate and put in the rack. :) I know...I is a lot to ask of a child. They don't realize how much time they would save me in my day if I didn't have to constantly keep looking for laundry, matching socks etc... 

And where do these socks go? Seriously?! I mean I wash them together and by the time they come out of the dryer it is like they grew wings and took flight. The go in together but they do not come out together....
Parents, we should take stock in is the most bought article of clothing for children I am willing to bet. 

Red socks, green socks, blue socks, Mom's socks, dad's socks and little people socks, short socks, long socks, wool socks, cotton socks, printed socks, socks with stripes, socks with pictures and words, socks for the gym and socks for the workplace, all these socks and yet by the time the laundry is done, you may have only 6 pairs left. Socks are here, socks are there, socks that match are now where do t be seen. Left covered in blue and right foot covered in stripes. There is never a pair to be had. Today a pair, tomorrow a single. Where o where do the socks all go? 

Just a little venting for the day....

Until the next scribble.....