Friday, June 29, 2012

It's been awhile...

...since I have last posted and thought I should put something up here for you all to read. Life has been somewhat crazy with 4 kids at home full time. With school and trying to keep the entertained, its a lot of work.

I have testing for a job with the county on the 18th and I am really hoping I get this job. I am praying and believing that this job is mine. I am thanking God everyday for this job and I know if it is the right one, it will be mine. God knows our situations, even when we don't think he is paying attention. He knows we are struggling and hurting and that we need change in our life. It is hard, extremely hard, to have faith when all you want to do is give up. Everything seems hopeless and nothing seems like it will ever be the same again.

God has given me a lot of insight into my thinking that have opened my eyes lately. I have probably mentioned some of them in this blog, but he keeps reminding me of them. So today, I am making a new plan for my life and a new schedule for our lives as a family. I need to give it all up to God and trust that he will provide what we need. He is truly a faithful God, if we give him the chance to be. I struggle daily to remind myself that He is there for me and that He is the only one I need to look up to and have faith in.

We have to remind ourselves that these hopeless feelings, these negative thoughts, the lies that nothing will ever be right again, are NOT from God, but they are from Satan, who doesn't want us to prosper, who wants to fail at all costs. God does, but he does require that we have faith.

Until the next scribble.....

Friday, June 8, 2012

Parenting Ethics 101

Has anyone seen the television show, 2 Broke Girls? This show is filled with truly sarcastic, usually inappropriate jokes that are not appropriate for children, who likely would not get the adult content hidden in the jokes the girls make.

While I was watching yesterday I realized that when A was a baby and I was worried he had not gained enough weight in his first year of parenting, I should have been worried that he had gained too much weight and should have put him on a diet!! Seriously! Max, (one of the main characters) babysits for a wanna be social butterfly, who has twins. Mom tells Max that Angelina (The genius of a mom, named her twins, Brad and Angelina), had gained a ghastly amount of weight in a year! A whopping 23 pounds! How dare she! Then again K gained 30 pounds her first year! ACK! The chubby little I realize that this whole time I was wrong! I should have bought fat free formula! She gained way too much weight!
So Max mentions her friend who needs someone to take her horse, and Max had told Genius Mom that this friend washer AA sponsor! Whoa! Now if this were me, before my parenting eyes had been opened, I would have stopped what I was doing and looked for a new sitter, but no!! This is wrong, obviously I should have kept the alcoholic sitter, to show that I was supporting the underprivileged and poverty stricken alcoholics to look better to my "peeps". Truly the show was an eye opening experience into what I had been doing wrong.
So a note to parents, 19 pounds is too much weight, Alcoholics make terrific babysitters and naming your children after a home wrecker and a cheater are the way to go to make it in society! No fat babies! That is just ghastly and wrong!

Just sayin....

Until the next scribble....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Next Chapter & K's Big Night

Tonight K graduates from the 8th grade! It amazes me how fast the time has flown. One day she was being born and life had changed considerably, the next day she was walking, talking and wanting to be a princess. The following day brought Kindergarten and a whole new world of wonders with her. She was beginning to become K, not just mommy and daddy's Bug. Her personality was becoming more and more clear, and now our little princess is graduating middle school and headed to high school. As I am sad that she is no longer my little girl and doesn't need me nearly as much as she used to, I am proud of who she is becoming (though her grades could be better and her style of dress could improve a bit ☻) but all in all she is my little girl.

I miss the days of needing to hold Mommy's hand, watching them play with their toys and just being toddlers. (Don't miss the not sleeping through the night and the diapers..OOO definitely do not miss those) Even M, the baby of the family, is entering kindergarten and starting on his path to learning who he is and who he will become

I have entered a new phase of life, where I will no longer have children at home during the day. WHAT!?! You mean I can go to the grocery store and not have little ones tagging along?!? I wonder what that is like? I can clean the house in the morning and it will stay that way most of the day!? Interesting! I won't have a little one following me around, looking for something to do or going "Mommy, Mommy, MOMMY! This will be a completely new experience for me; one that at the same time as I am dreading it, I am looking forward to it. It means life is still moving on, they are still growing, still dreaming and still needing me (even if they don't always admit it) Who knows what the future holds for all of us. Only God knows. Only He knows what He has in store for us. For without Him, we have nothing. Even if we don't realize it, He is the way, the truth and the light. He is the holder of our futures.

So while I don't know what the future has in store for my family, I am looking forward to finding out and learning about the next chapters in our lives. They are yet to be written in the pages of history. Only planned out and not delivered to us until God decides it is time.

The only truly sad thing, the one thing that makes me sad for my children is that their dad, is missing out on all of it. I am truly heartbroken when I think of all that he has missed, is missing and will miss in the future. Our children are truly amazing individuals. They have grown into wonderful people. With all the frustration, missing shoes, fighting, arguing, hair pulling, barbie stealing and annoyances, not a day of it has not been worth the amazement, the wonder, the smiles, hugs, kisses, love yous, artwork, family movie nights or all the joy they bring to my life. I truly love these 4 little monsters God has given me.

Until the next scribble...

Monday, June 4, 2012

New Look...New Name

So this morning during my first cup of coffee, I change the name and the look of the blog. As entertaining as the previous name was, Scribbles On The Wall is better suited, I feel (and since its my blog, I can change it) this is a much better name for the blog I have been writing and the future blogs I plan to write.
I was reading a book and my bible this morning and it hit me that while every post does not need to be God related, that He should be the focus of our lives more. This new title does not reflect anyone topic other than the lives of my children and I.

Until the next scribble....(see I even changed the ending tag line a bit to coincide with the new title!)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Book Club idea/Coffee Pages Updated

So, as I was updating the Coffee Pages page, I got to thinking that it would be nice to have a book club. I have a few emails and facebook posts that I get with free Books for the Kindle. I thought that these books would be a great start for starting a book club with.

The Basic Idea:

I will pick the book (I will take suggestions), and post it on the Coffee Pages page of this blog. I can also post a blog on the main page about it. As we are reading we can discuss the book, either here on the blog or I can create a facebook page for it.
We will choose one book per month. Non-kindle users would have to buy the book, or download the Kindle app for their phones, (which I  am told is free and you don't have to have a Kindle to download it.

Hence the name Coffee Pages, I will also post a coffee of the month from Starbucks...(Everywhere has one of those (well OK except Oroville, but we have one close) that will be the flavor of the month to go along with our reading. If you don't drink coffee that is OK, its not like I am making you drink it, nor am I making you go to Starbucks, (though everyone should go to Starbucks and love coffee! IMO)

Now this means you have to subscribe to the blog so you can comment on this blog and let me know if any of you out there thinks this a good idea. It is just an idea, so if no one wants to participate, I will just continue drinking my Starbucks (or Good Earth) coffee and reading my books on my own.

Until next time.....