Coffee Pages

My Bookshelf

     Reading is a great way to unwind after the end of a long day, and it is a great way to relax. Losing oneself in a book, allows you just for a moment, to forget about your troubles and stress and enter a new world filled with wonder, mystery about what lies ahead, and a great story line. Here is where I will tell you what book I am currently reading, which will change every month, and write a little bit about it. Feel free to grab your own copy and read along.

Book of the Month: Aliegent
Author(s): Veronica Roth
July 15, 2014- .The Divergent Series, has been a surprisingly good series and I have enjoyed each book so far. Now I am on the third one and only a few chapters in so far. I admit that when this series is done, I will be sad that there is not another one after it. It draws you in and keeps you wanting to read the next page, the next chapter. Just one more paragraph and I swear I will get dinner for the kids....or...whoops its is breakfast time!

Enjoy! ☻