Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No expectations

Mornings suck. I mean seriously suck. Until that first cup of coffee. So this morning, I am getting up and start the process of getting the little people ready for school...that place that takes little people all day so mom can actually accomplish something.

Start off the morning by stepping on a plastic Easter egg, and people wonder why I don't mind throwing them out and rebuying them every year. Easter was over months ago and I am still finding these eggs, could be the bag filled with them next to my bed.

Go to wake up A and S, but M beats me to it and let the yelling commence. I walk out 10 minutes later and A is still in bed. What?! Bed?! No way buddy. S comes out wearing some freaky concoction of an outfit, I so want to scream what are you thinking, but no let her go to school how she feels comfortable...I won't have to worry about boyfriends. HA!

Forgot to put the coffee on automatic timer last night...grrr... Until that first sip nothing is right in the world, I am sure this is what crack addicts feel like before they shove stuff up their nose or inject crap into their needles, no sniffing I just want to drink my coffee thank you!

Coffee is poured, but still no sip, no one can find their socks and  they want to try to sneak out without brushing their I reach for my cup only to find that M has his clothes on backwards, yet I put them on the right way. I'm pretty sure. Yes, I definitely put them on the right way...unless his back was to me and not his front..hmm

Walk back towards my cup and S tries to miss the busy by fighting the knot war on her show (that clearly does not match the crazy outfit), and now mom has to fight the battle for her just to push her out the door. Turtle power is not my favorite mode, but one S constantly operates at. Maybe I should give her some coffee?! Hmm maybe.

Door shut, kids gone....go to get coffee and knocked it over. GRRRR. Nothing more aggravating than watching those delicious drops of energy going down the drain with all your hopes, dreams and expectations. OK so maybe that was a bit dramatic, back to the pot, pour some more and away you go. Awesome.

Now to sit down and drink...ahhh.

Daughters Let's Talk...Miley Cyrus

Dear K & S,

As your mother I am inclined to warn you, if I ever see you doing anything that comes close to what the world saw Miley Cyrus do on stage at the VMA's, I will personally drag your booty off whatever stage, platform, table, pole, chair, or anywhere else, and happily beat your butt right there in front of everyone. I will NOT be clapping and cheering you on as Miley's mother did.

You are ladies, and you will act like ladies at all times. A lady does not flaunt all that God gave her, make disgusting provocative gestures with foam fingers claiming to be sexy, she does not defile teddy bears nor does she stick her face in anyone's behind and call that sexy. What Miley Cyrus did was humiliating to woman everywhere. I am raising you to have more respect for yourself that this.

Lastly, real men do not find this sexy at all. Sexy is about class, being a lady and keeping your legs closed, tongue in your mouth and clothes on your body. Sexy is more about how you portray yourself with dignity. Real men want to know that you are not going to be showing off yourself to every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes your way, they want to know that you are honest, respectful and above all else, faithful.

Again I warn you, I do not ever want to see, read about or hear about either one of you disrespecting yourself or your parents in anyway that comes close to what Miley Cyrus did on that stage. Not only will I embarrassingly drag you away, I WILL show you just how horrifying you look, by doing exactly what you did in front of all those people..(I am sure just the thought keeps you from ever wanting to try this). Also you will be scrubbing the toilets with your toothbrush, scrubbing walls and any other disgusting chore I can find....and no I do not care how old you are!

All my Love,

Dear Miley,

Hannah Montanna may be just a character you played and a wholesome image you are trying to get away from and I can understand you want your own identity separate from a childhood character. What I can't understand and what has now gotten you banned from my home (even as Hannah Montanna), is how you can hold your head up and call yourself a woman when clearly you have not grown up and you have no dignity or respect for yourself or your parents. I truly feel sorry (not pity) for you. You had so much potential and you turned into what is nothing short of being a porn show. Clearly you are crying out for help and I hope that your family sees to it that you get it. Your poor dad must be trying hard not to shoot himself in the head just to get that image of your gyrating your hips and flaunting yourself off as a prostitute (and yes it fits as you get paid for these shows) in front of millions of people. Moms everywhere (except obviously yours) are horrified at the show you have put on for your fans, (a number which I am sure has decreased thanks to your disgraceful performance).
Your mother, instead of clapping and cheering, should have grabbed you by what little clothing you had on (or your bun) and dragged your butt off that stage and beaten your butt. All that show was, was a desperate cry for help. Cheapening yourself will not help you find yourself. Parading around like you did, will not help you find yourself. Want to get on your knees? Pray. You will find more answers there than you will half naked in front of millions of people, most of who were looking down, not up at you.